Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Week 2 with Daily 5 pictures!

Week 2 is off to a great start!  I have been trying to take a lot of pictures that I can use for Teaching Strategies GOLD, but they also double as pictures for everyone else to see!  I will show you some of the work we have been doing, some adorable pictures taken during Daily 5 and some pictures taken during Math Investigations. 

 We had our first Star of the week!  This green background is Tac-On.  It is sticky on both sides, so I didn't have to put any staples in the wall and I won't have to everytime I change the Star of the week!!  LOVE IT!!!

Every day, I choose a different child that we will Get To Know!  They really enjoy it.  I love their answers for what they like to do and what they like to eat.

We are learning about a new color monster every day!  I found new and improved ones on TN created by Kinderone Kids.  I will be using those next year, I had already copied these :)

DAILY 5!!!  I am sooo excited about starting this right away!  The kids are doing great!  They love to find out where their Book Nook will be that day.  Read more about that here.  Thanks, Sprinkles to Kindergarten!!!  Her blog has really gotten me started on D5 implementation in Kindergarten! These are some of the special spots they get to sit at during Read to Self.  
My rocking chair
On the floor, laying down or sitting up
By the closet
At their table
We are up to 3-4 minutes of Reading To Self.  We had a hard time during the last minute of our 4 minutes today, but we stopped and we will try again tomorrow :)  More pictures of D5 in a minute :)

We had our first cutting activity yesterday!  We will do this for each letter we learn in Fundations.  I got this in May and I am not sure who I got it from.  As we were completing this, I realized we hadn't cut anything yet!  They did a very good job listening to directions and cut very nicely!

Back to Daily 5!!  I am soooo excited about my finds to make Reading to Self more fun!  I got some sunglasses from Oriental Trading and popped out the lenses to make "Smarty Glasses"!!  Also, I got googly eyes to find letters and words that they know!!  We had a very long talk about the proper use of these things and they are doing well so far!
More Book Nook spots- Housekeeping Table

They look sooo cute!!!

We made Play doh for everyone last Friday.  I keep some for each child in these Glad containers.  They each get just enough to make some letters on the Play Doh mats I got from Kindergarten Lifestyle on TPT. 

Lastly, the kids got to explore with some new things today during Investigations!  We used buttons, color tiles and Attribute Blocks.  I like exploration, but they will definitely need some guidance tomorrow ;)

Our picture day will be next Tuesday, September 17th. An envelope to order prints should be coming home soon!  Book Orders are due on the 20th.  Please be sure to send a check with your order or you can order online and use a credit card.  For every order online, I get a free book for our classroom!!  Thank you in advance!  Also, Open house (Academic Night) is also next Tuesday, September 17th at 5:30.  I hope to see you then!

Have a great rest of the week!

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